• QEW Refresh only February 20th – 8:30AM
  • QEW Refresh only March 3rd – 8:30AM
  • QEW Refresh only March 24th – 8:30AM
  • QEW Refresh only April 7th – 8:30AM
full calendar

Seasons greetings!


Canada's Building Trades Unions (CBTU) survey
The CBTU has started it's "Building it Green" project and are looking to survey tradespeople on their knowledge and interaction with renewable technologies in the trades workspace.
You can access the survey by clicking this link!

Please Note,
The IBEW Local 2038 business office is open for appointments and training.
If the doors are locked, call the switchboard (306-757-0222) and someone will come let you in.
Dues payments can still be made over the phone by calling the office.

  • Representatives are always available during office hours, and also by phone or e-mail,

Please call or E-mail us if you have any questions!

Local Union General Meetings have resumed as per our traditional schedule, please watch your personal email that we have on file for special announcements and confirmation that the general meeting is going ahead.

Coronavirus numbers in Canada 

Canadian COVID-19 resources:
Government of Canada COVID-19 start page (with assessment tool)

Are you a union member considering travel for either work or pleasure?

Want to know that your booked in an organized hotel or flight provider (if one is available)?

WE Travel would like to help with your booking!
Have a look at their website here!


Union meetings

Fourth Tuesday of the month!

Saskatchewan now has a registry of public buildings containing asbestos. (There's also some excellent material on indentifying it too). Click here!

Have a look at this new website ---> jointhebrotherhoodsk.com - Have your say!

Empowering Saskatchewan's  Construction Electricians

IBEW Local 2038 strives to:

  • Promote respect among members of the electrical industry.
  • Advocate reasonable methods and hours of work.
  • Secure employment and adequate pay.
  • Settle employment disputes.
  • Seek security and a higher standard of living for construction electricians in Saskatchewan.

IBEW Local 2038 strives to:
Our local union operates according to three core values that guide the actions of all we do:

  • Respect – For all workers and employers.
  • Brotherhood – Assisting members in sickness or distress.
  • Citizenship – Promoting a high standard of citizenship within the community.

IBEW 2038 represents construction electricians in Saskatchewan South of the 51st parallel, and is governed by an executive elected by and from local membership.


IBEW President Lonnie Stephenson Speaks About COVID-19 from IBEW on Vimeo.

Coughlin / IBEW 2038 DB pension plan explained (click for video)
